A consistent holistic cleansing skin routine can balance stressed skin and reduce inflammation against blemishes and breakouts. In this article we will show you the best routine for your skin type.
A consistent holistic cleansing skin routine can balance stressed skin and reduce inflammation against blemishes and breakouts. In this article we will show you the best routine for your skin type.
How do I achieve clear, balanced and radiant skin? Dermatologist Dr Med Katharina Schüring shares her tips.
Diet is an important part of skin care. Improper diet, an unbalanced gut microbiome and food intolerances can be the cause of skin blemishes and irritations. In the same way, selected supporting foods can strengthen and regenerate the skin.
Your skin is your largest organ and forms your personal barrier and “keeps your body together” but regulates your temperature, blocks external irritants, gives you the ability to feel, and so much more. 1. Go sweat Exercise is the key to a healthy body - sure, but did you know it’s also the key to healthy skin? Here’s why: When we exercise our heart pumps more blood around the body – meaning your skin is getting a better supply of oxygen and nutrients. At the same time the increased blood flow flushes your skin from toxins, resulting in less skin damage....