What is important to you when it comes to gifting at Christmas time?
When it comes to gifts, it is important to me that they come from the heart and have a deeper meaning. That's why I like to give gifts all year round. You will then usually find a more suitable moment or a more suitable gift.
Of course, I prefer to give away time with my friends and family. Like the long-planned trip to Sardinia with my mom, for example. Because in our fast-moving world, having time for each other is the most valuable thing.
How do you celebrate yourself at Christmas? Do you have self-care rituals??
I wish ;-) With us, Christmas is very much focused on food, gifts, madness and lazing around. And I'm happy to allow that and try to enjoy it when the stress of everyday life and work has faded away for a few days.
Is there a social initiative you are involved in?
Above all, I support local projects, such as the DoArte Foundation in Bernau.I also try to recycle everything that comes up during productions.
And donate a lot to our school or to the former day care center. It is often plants, food or even decorative items that are used in the next school performance.
Every year before Christmas I help Dillon (my son) wrap gifts for children's charity so that he too can learn to share and give and enjoy putting a little smile on others' faces.